Fees and Policies

    Create Order

Policies and Fees

In-Home Consultation 30-45 minutes:  FREE – no obligation
Regular Hourly fee:  $45 (3 hr. minimum)
Pre-paid block appointments: 
(scheduled in blocks of 3 or more hours)
10 hours:  $ 425
20 hours:  $ 400
Travel time:  (over 30 minutes) regular hourly rate.

·         No client information is ever shared unless the client has given express written permission to do so.  All aspects of work done with clients are treated with absolute confidentiality, according to standards set in the NAPO code of conduct. 

Personal Property
·         Create Order will never remove or dispose of client’s personal property without the client’s permission.  All final decisions about disposal of property are made solely by the client.

·         Payment to be made at the end of each session by check or cash.
·         $15 returned check fee for each check returned—cash payment is requested if a check has been returned.
·         There is no penalty if an appointment is cancelled or rescheduled by the client 24 hours or more in advance. 

·         One last-minute (less than 24 hours) “emergency” cancellation is allowed per client without penalty.  Subsequent appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice:  20% of booked time cancellation fee.
C    While I take every precaution when handling a client’s furnishings, accessories and household goods, and while there has never been an incident of damage or injury in the past, it is my policy to have every client sign a Waiver of Liability:

“I, ____________________________________________________, hereby acknowledge that I understand there are some risks involved in the moving of furniture, accessories and household goods as part of the organizational services I have contracted Create Order to perform. 
“I hereby waive any and all monetary claims for damage or injury to myself,  members of my family, relatives, pets, all furniture, accessories, and household goods; whether owned, rented or borrowed by me or a member of my family, relatives or friends.  I assume all legal financial responsibility myself for such.  I shall not now, nor in the future, make any claim against Create Order Home Organizing Service, Linda Palmer, or any partners, employees, or helpers, for any injury to persons in my home, or for damage or destruction of possessions or property belonging to myself or others in and on my property. 
“I further warrant that I have the authority to authorize the movement of all furniture, accessories and household goods within this home”.

SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________

DATE: ___________________________________________

 For solutions to your organizing challenges,
to schedule a free consultation,
or have a conversation about your organizing needs:

Call Linda Palmer
at Create Order
Home Organizing and De-materializing Service

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