Here's how:
Be rested: Being organized involves a lot of decision making, and fatigue can drastically affect our ability to make decisions and follow through with action. It's easy to find plenty of information about good sleep habits. For people like me, it's usually as simple as: Put down that darn remote! And go to bed!
Pay attention to your energy level: Eat well and get exercise. You've heard this many times, so I won't go on about it. It's important.
Meditate: This is huge! You'd think that sitting still and doing nothing for a short amount of time would be a relief in our over-scheduled lives, so why does it seem difficult for most of us to establish a regular practice of stillness? I don't have the answer, but I can tell you that it's well worth it to make it a priority and not give up on this one. The mental and physical benefits will have a positive effect on EVERYTHING in your life. And you don't have to be a yogi or a guru for that to happen.
Practice mindfulness: After a week in which I lost a glove, a pair of glasses, and my calendar (and found all three plus an extra glove I had lost earlier), this is a big one for me. I am still working on the habit of doing ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY at a time and keeping my monkey mind on that one thing.
Shop consciously (or--shop like a man): Don't shop because you're feeling bored, angry, inadequate, or stressed -- shop because you need something specific. Go out with a list, and stick to it. If you happen to see something you love while you're out - yes, even if it's on sale! - tell yourself you can have it if you still want it after a week. You'll actually save money, because after a week you often forget about the item, or realize you don't really want it anyway.
Creating order isn't just about having a neat home or office. It's also about being present in your life, and having the time and energy to do what needs to be done, to relax, and to enjoy yourself.
And, if you find you need help once you're ready deal with the "stuff", your helpful professional organizer is just a phone call away
(Thanks to Julie Gray, of Profound Impact Coaching and Organizing. for the inspiration! To visit her website: )
For solutions to your organizing challenges,
to schedule a free consultation,
or have a conversation about your organizing needs:
In Waukesha and Milwaukee WI counties, and surrounding area
facebook: Linda Palmer/Create Order Organizing Service