Andrew is described on his website as "The most organized man in America", which made me there a "most organized man on the planet?" If so, I want to know about that guy.
I watched the 44 minute video, and one minute later I was on Amazon buying his book Unstuff Your Life. One thing I know for sure about Andrew is that his marketing methods are HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, as I am not normally an easy sell. The tag line on his website,, is: "More Love, Less Stuff!" Now, who can resist that? I am hooked.
Andrew has so many great ideas, but my favorite is his "Organizational Triangle" which consists of three rules:
1) One home for everything. This sounds like a no-brainer, but when I thought about it, I realized that I don't always follow this rule. Example: keys and glasses. Need I say more? I'm always looking for them. Once I lost a set of keys because they were in the refrigerator AT WORK. Embarrassing story, but it is true.
2) Like with like. Objects that are similar in form or function live together. Andrew even goes so far as to give preparation utensils and serving utensils separate "homes" in his kitchen, which I greatly admire and would totally do if I had more drawer space.
3) Something in, something out. Genius! Andrew defines "stuff equilibrium" as the state of having only stuff you use or love, and a home for everything. Once you've reached "Stuff Equilibrium", (which I prefer to call "Stuff Nirvana"), you're no longer in the process of acquiring, but are now replacing items you no longer need, use, or love.
Easy, right? Just follow these three rules and your life will be perfect.
Well, okay, not exactly that easy, but if you keep these three rules in mind as you work, it may help you to navigate your journey toward Stuff Nirvana. And if you need help getting inspired or getting started, remember: your friendly professional organizer is just a phone call or an email away.
To find solutions for your organizing challenges,
schedule a free consultation,
or have a conversation about your organizing needs:
Call Linda Palmer
at Create Order
Home Organizing and De-materializing Service
In Waukesha and Milwaukee WI counties, and surrounding area
On Facebook: Linda Palmer/ Create Order