Why organize?

You’ll reduce stress.  The connection between living in orderly surroundings and wellness has been well documented.   Creating order in your home will provide you with surroundings that support mental and emotional balance as you make your way through your life.
You’ll save time.  An organizer can give you systems which will allow you keep order.  You will save time when you know where to find the things you need.
You’ll save money – and allow abundance into your life!  A key principle of creating prosperity is to clear out excess clutter or possessions that no longer serve you.  You’ll save money because you won’t have to pay for duplicates of things you can’t find, or pay for storage for your extra stuff. 
And most importantly:  You will be the boss of your stuff!

How can an organizer help?
An organizer can:

Provide focus:  An organizer can help you decide what is most important to you, and how to support your vision of the life you desire.
Provide structure: When you have an appointment and a time frame, you are more likely to follow through and less likely to procrastinate!
Provide FUN! (you read that correctly!) Organizers love to work—it’s fun for us!  We can help turn the work from a dreaded chore into a positive--and even fulfilling!--experience.
Help you stay organized:  An organizer can work with you to create efficient systems, especially tailored to your needs, which will allow you to maintain the order you’ve created.

What can I expect from an organizer?

Confidentiality: No information will ever be shared without your permission.  See Create Order's Code of Ethics.
Dignity and respect:  Organizers have seen it all—sometimes in our own homes!  I recognize that you are NOT your stuff, and I am here to help and support your goals.
You decide:  You make the decisions about what happens to your “stuff”.  I am here to remind you of your own priorities, but you decide what stays and what goes.

Life is short!  Why not begin now?
Linda Palmer
”Create Order” Organizing Service

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